Score: 4.61 Votes: 31
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So you want to be a model...

Starter: [Deleted] Posted: 11 years ago Views: 16.3K
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jaadoo, [Deleted] find this awesome.


[Deleted] finds this awesome.
Lvl 60
I'm not sure the second girl knows that smiling is a positive thing for models to try.

But I'm intrigued by this thread. I look forward to more.



[Deleted], mervtheperv69 find this awesome.
There will be more soon...
Lvl 12
Can't wait!!!
Lvl 20
Excellent thread. One of the best yet.
I like them all, but as a dirty old man, I pick the ones that spread their pussies for me.
Lvl 60
Originally posted by jhope1
There will be more soon...

Good. I hope there's a brief explanation of the title, too. Attractive naked women will get my attention anyway, but the fact that each set has them progressing in the same way just has me even more interested. Don't know why.
This is an odd but interesting thread.
Lvl 15
Lvl 15
#9 has a bald pussy but a furry upper lip... lmao
Lvl 12
seriously good thread jhope looking forward to the updates already
Excellent thread. New and interesting.
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