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Sexiest Dr Who Companion poll

Starter: Caligynephobe Posted: 11 years ago Views: 4.9K
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Lvl 42

Who's Sexiest

  • Clara Oswald (Jenna- Louise Coleman)

    38.96% (30)

  • Amy Pond (Karen Gillan)

    29.87% (23)

  • Rose Tyler (Billie Piper)

    19.48% (15)

  • Martha Jones (Freema Agyeman)

    7.79% (6)

  • Donna Noble (Catherine Tate)

    3.90% (3)

Votes: 77
Pick one......
Lvl 42
Amy Pond

Lvl 42
Clara Oswald

Lvl 42
Rose Tyler

Lvl 42
Martha Jones

Lvl 42
Donna Noble

Lvl 17
Fantastic idea for a thread!

Although your billie piper pics didn't do her justice!

I would of voted for her, but that new one looks a stunner!
Lvl 42
Originally posted by Paddy!
Fantastic idea for a thread!

Although your billie piper pics didn't do her justice!



I would of voted for her, but that new one looks a stunner!

true but i've never been a fan
Lvl 14
Why only from the series restart in 2005/6? The older series had plenty of sexy companions too. I always had a soft spot and a hard on for Sarah Jane (Elisabeth Sladen) when i was a kid.
Lvl 16
Based only on these pix (I've never seen the series), I'd say: Rose Tyler, with Amy Pond a close second.
I've never watched the show, but I agree that your Billie Piper pics don't do her justice. She's easily the most attractive of all of them.
Lvl 27
Clara Oswald me thinks...

Billie Pipers mouth is to big, doesn't look quite right...
Originally posted by DEMO

Billie Pipers mouth is to big, doesn't look quite right...

Shut your whore mouth!
Lvl 59
Yeah, Billie is like the daughter of the Jack Nicholson version of the Joker.

I'll go with the redhead, please.
Lvl 12
Amy Pond, aka Karen Gillan...
Lvl 12
Amy Pond, aka Karen Gillan...
Lvl 17
none of them...
Lvl 42
Originally posted by bass-brother
none of them...

are you in the right forum?
Lvl 4
clara followed very closely by amy
Everyone who didn't vote for Billie Piper is wrong.
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