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See-through clothing

Starter: [Deleted] Posted: 13 years ago Views: 139.1K
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Lvl 29
Good one the_kevin! Got any more?
Lvl 26
Wonderful updates!
Lvl 4
Originally posted by TheItch

Love this type of thing. Never ceases to amaze me the lengths 'celebrities' will go to to remain in the limelight.
Though saying that, there are plenty of stars who seem to just go out in something that really exposes them.
Oh well. I'm not complaining.

When they are in the limelight they want all the attention they can get. Nothing like flashing some nipple or cat to get the photographers' attention. In Pre-Revolution France in the 1700's women wore chiffon and shear tops to show their boobs in the King's Court. It was accepted fashion and the ladies used their creativity to show 'em off in unique ways. What goes around comes around.
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