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See-through clothing

Starter: [Deleted] Posted: 13 years ago Views: 139.7K
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I'm new to this, so I hope this is the right place for these pics - these are all 'celebrities' in see-though clothing. I use the word 'celebrity' in its broadest sense - i.e. not amateurs - because I have not heard of some of them.

* This post has been modified : 13 years ago
Lvl 27
You got the right place for them Jamesr60

Please carry on, and welcome to WBW
Lvl 28
Lot better than my first effort.
Lvl 22
I like this idea at least 5 ***** 's worth
Lvl 9
wow. that would be lovely if a thread like this starts... so promising.
Thanks for the comments, guys. And so here are some more:

Lvl 13
Love this type of thing. Never ceases to amaze me the lengths 'celebrities' will go to to remain in the limelight.
Though saying that, there are plenty of stars who seem to just go out in something that really exposes them.
Oh well. I'm not complaining.
Lvl 9
thanx a lot.
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