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Real Nude pic of Britney Spears!!

Starter: Vamp Posted: 21 years ago Views: 5.1K
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Lvl 12

I have it on very good acount that this is INDEED a real pic of Britney Spears!
i apoligize for not having a pic with a head but i GUARANTEE that this is INDEED
the famous Britney Spears!

Notice the fact that this woman has breasts, well BRITNEY HAS BREASTS! so it must be her.
Lvl 12
Most womans have breats you know? Does that mean that they are all britney spears?
Lvl 13
Dude, I think your right!!! Id recognize her anywhere.
Lvl 14
absolutely! same skin color and so on! where did you get it?
Lvl 13
I don't know guys...I don't recognize that tatoo!
Lvl 12
Every girl in this world are Britney Spears I think so if I fuck with my girlfriend I fuck with Britney?!
Lvl 14
I don't know. You don't show her face. The tits are the same.
Lvl 12
Russian Style!
* This post has been modified : 21 years ago
Lvl 19
It is Britney, I took the photo for her. She asked me to cut the head of the pic cos she shy!!!!
Lvl 12
it's britney
Lvl 12
Lvl 34
I believe this is britney spears more than I would believe the christinamodel headless nude shot lol
Lvl 12
you must be dumb if you think that is her
Lvl 13
cant you see its her?
ofcourse its her
Lvl 12
you must be dumb if you think that is her

And You must be pretty dumb if you think we are serious.
Lvl 34
pAinTrAin it's called sarcasm.. Many nude ( often headless) pictures are posted on this site and are claimed to be people they are not. get the joke?
Lvl 18
i love you but your all fucking mad (ozzy)

it's the wife of the father of uncle harry the great.
Lvl 12
It's real. here is the photo with head included. if it's on the internet, then it has to be true.

Lvl 13
stay away from the xtc
Lvl 12
damn, britney is lookin good these days; all black and...big
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