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my new favorite girl

Starter: toofardeep Posted: 20 years ago Views: 2.8K
Lvl 12
Oh my goodness...I'm in love...or I think I am
Lvl 12
Lvl 16
to each their own....I won't fight you for her
Lvl 12
Its that hat init? Your in love with the hat! Not the girl!
Lvl 14
Lvl 16
I don't think so...
Uhm.. Yeah.. Sure... Uhm...
Can we get more pictures of the hat then ?
Lvl 20
yeah, we all love the hat
Lvl 17
Yup the hat roxx
Lvl 20
as a matter of fact, i wanna do the hat....
Lvl 14
I'll do the girl and The_Guy can do the hat.
Lvl 20
sound fine to me
Naw, wanna switch so i get to try something new.
i have gone tired of hats.
But, ill do hers. And then her. When Jackster is done with her
Lvl 12
I think it's the sofa. Not the hat.

The sofa. Most definately. (0_o)
NO! The hat was MINE !
Lvl 17
Theres enought hat for everybody
Lvl 12
WTF I just don't know why tou like her so much
Lvl 13
I heard the hat gets around to much mit get something from it
Lvl 12
I dunno, I think it's the petite part of it...gravity hasn't hurt her figure. Or somthin. I dunno, anyway I have moved on to a new girl anyway...a celebrity none the less. Can anyone guess on who it is based on my tastes? I'll give you a hint..she's British. Oh and the hat is hot...
Lvl 33
she is very cute! but doesn't she look a bit young?
Lvl 12
she is purrrr..ty