My girl Show
lil_winker 21 years ago
re¡Pply [ ri plÇ| ]
verb (past re¡Pplied, past participle re¡Pplied, present participle re¡Pply¡Ping, 3rd person present singular re¡Pplies)
1. transitive and intransitive verb respond to what somebody says: to say or write something in response to what somebody else has said or written
replied that she wouldn¡¦t be available to take the job
2. intransitive verb respond with action or gesture: to respond to somebody¡¦s action with a countering action or gesture
3. intransitive verb law answer defendant¡¦s plea: to speak in response to the plea of a defendant
4. intransitive verb echo: to echo or return a sound
noun (plural re¡Pplies)
1. spoken or written response: something said or written as a response to something else
2. action performed as response: something done as a response to somebody else¡¦s action
Her only reply was to turn on her heel and leave.
3. law answer to defendant¡¦s plea: a statement made in response to the plea of a defendant
[14th century. Via Old French replier from Latin replicare (see replicate).]
re¡Ppli¡Per noun
Gigolo 21 years ago
i dont understand Vamps attempt at being a far as i understand oap911 just didnt manage to upload the pic! or...??
*me'z confused*
*me'z confused*