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My girl Show

Starter: oap911 Posted: 21 years ago Views: 2.8K
Lvl 12
My girl Show
Lvl 12
Lvl 22
ha ha ha ha ha
Lvl 14
go vamp, go vamp, go vamp! (yup, again!)
Lvl 12
Gooodddddddddddd WoW
Lvl 14

re¡Pply [ ri plÇ| ]

verb (past re¡Pplied, past participle re¡Pplied, present participle re¡Pply¡Ping, 3rd person present singular re¡Pplies)

1. transitive and intransitive verb respond to what somebody says: to say or write something in response to what somebody else has said or written
replied that she wouldn¡¦t be available to take the job

2. intransitive verb respond with action or gesture: to respond to somebody¡¦s action with a countering action or gesture

3. intransitive verb law answer defendant¡¦s plea: to speak in response to the plea of a defendant

4. intransitive verb echo: to echo or return a sound

noun (plural re¡Pplies)

1. spoken or written response: something said or written as a response to something else

2. action performed as response: something done as a response to somebody else¡¦s action
Her only reply was to turn on her heel and leave.

3. law answer to defendant¡¦s plea: a statement made in response to the plea of a defendant

[14th century. Via Old French replier from Latin replicare (see replicate).]

re¡Ppli¡Per noun

Lvl 12
Is that at Michigan State
Lvl 12
looks like she has a hairy pussy. can we see her pussy?
Lvl 33
excellent vamp!
Lvl 21
i dont understand Vamps attempt at being a far as i understand oap911 just didnt manage to upload the pic! or...??

*me'z confused*
Lvl 12
Can you people shut up and stop bashing on him. Thanks
Lvl 12
im fucken confused too
Lvl 13
Where is this going just drop it
Lvl 14
No more pics?
Lvl 23
I think he was making an attept at making people post good pics...