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More Britney Upskirts

Starter: seitori Posted: 18 years ago Views: 56.7K
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Lvl 8
Very large images, enjoy.

* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 19
if they are real then wow, looks like she probably got the idea from paris though!!!
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 26
yes yes i'm waiting for the video now... ;-)
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 19
Woooooo I see cooter.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 6
Dammmmn I dont care what anyone else says...I think Brit is HoT...and its just a matter of time when she tranforms back to the sexy bombshell that everyone dreampt about in the first place...
btw these pics are fucking HOT!!!! does anyone have proof that they are real???
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 15
She may not be as good looking as she used to be, but i wouldnt mind doing a few things with her :P
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 8
I was as skeptical as anyone about these shots, but really, it would be a hell of a faking job to put in a snatch at six different angles, complete with C-section scar.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 13
this seems pretty legit to me... and i must say, ever since she first got popular this is what we've been waiting for. ITS ABOUT DAMN TIME!
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 3
Originally posted by seitori

I was as skeptical as anyone about these shots, but really, it would be a hell of a faking job to put in a snatch at six different angles, complete with C-section scar.

im with you man, the c section scar is the attention to detail i could do with out (and a fake wouldnt put in) Britneys pooooon..... woooooooooo!
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 11
Yes these pics are real!! They are starting to be taken down all over the internet, i was on one site trying to save the pics and by the time i went to go to the 3rd pic, the page was no longer available, and now the site is not up.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 9
V-The Visitors
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 16
Well, we knew K-Fed would find a way to make some spare change, and, he WAS the one close enough to get these shots.

Speaking of K-Fed, and how rappers seem to change their aliases with each "life event", it's about time for K-Fed to change Fed-X.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 59
I see London, I see Rotterdam, I see Britney's rotten clam!
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 6
Never thought that much of her but I just became a huge fan. Call me shallow but she's won me
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 8
You she isn't so stupid to not know that the paparazzi isn't going to miss a chance like this. As blatent as this is, it seems like it was done on purpose. I don't think she "accidentitly " flashed the cameras. With both Paris and Lidsey, you only got one good look. With her, it seems like she left her legs spread for a while. They are either really good facks or she wanted to show off her goods. That's just my opinion though.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 65
She really went down hill fast
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 19
What car is that?
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 65
Originally posted by Ascaris

What car is that?

, Can always count you Ascaris for some car questions
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 19
Haha, no I just wanted to know, I can't recognize it.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 26
Originally posted by Ascaris

What car is that?

just had a quick laugh
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
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