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Miss Russia 2009 Nudity Scandal

Starter: HarleyXLH Posted: 15 years ago Views: 10.1K
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Lvl 29
Oops, 19-year-old Miss Russia 2009 Sofiya Rud’eva has worked her way into a spot of bother. She was crowned Miss Russia a while back and that title gives her the right to compete at the Miss World contest, but Sofiya did something rather naughty before she was crowned Miss Russia. She showed off her crown jewels in a sexy photoshoot. The Miss World organizers are now deciding whether or not to allow Sofiya to take part.
Lvl 29
Lvl 7
Stunning, hot...she could share my bed anytime
Lvl 32
Originally posted by HarleyXLH

The Miss World organizers are now deciding whether or not to allow Sofiya to take part.

Yeah I mean she took nude photos why let her compete, why are people so uptight about nudity...?

Now maybe if she got naked and murdered like 16 people then they probably shouldn't let her be in the contest, I'd understand that

And oh yeah nice pictures thanks for sharing....
Lvl 8
hmmm. refused entry to a competition which basically involves showing off your body, because you previously showed off your body...

Dumb huh.
Lvl 15
Lvl 7
very nice thx.
Lvl 26
She deserves to be miss!!!
Lvl 18
great boobs
Lvl 31
not bad
Lvl 14
russian chics are hot
Lvl 37
Originally posted by zeus01


why are people so uptight about nudity...?

Yeah, I mean we can't all be from the United States!..... Oh, wait...

Anyway, to hell with what she did previously, she's hot... Let her compete!
Lvl 17
seriously thinkin about moving abroad with her around there will b no winters only hot balmy days
Lvl 24
great tits
Lvl 8
Gorgeous breasts
Lvl 13
Very nice!
Lvl 10
Hot Ruski
Lvl 14
great tits
cute girl and gravity defying boobs!!
Lvl 30
She's very hot!
I'd vote for her.. I'd her, I'd even buy a house for her!
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