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Michelle Obama nude vacation pics

Starter: [Deleted] Posted: 15 years ago Views: 14.4K
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Holy shit!!!!
I guy with a telescopic lense took this pics of Baracks hot wife while on vacation on marthas vinyard
Barack is one lucky guy!!!
umm... okay.
Lvl 29

But in the one in a billion chance these are real, they belong in Famous Babes.

Lvl 15
man that aint her....nice title to get views for your thread
Funny how she seems to be posing for this supposed guy with this supposed telescopic lens.
Lvl 21
this is weak
Lvl 15
Here is a pic of her wearing an identical necklace..hmm idk
Lvl 3
still hot! i like chocolate
Look at that pic that Tall Guy put up!!!!!!!!!
That is the same necklace. I really think this is her. Here is michelle obama's sweet shaved pussy.
Lvl 26
5* for black babe,who ever she is!
Lvl 12
gayest post ever. someone ban this guy.
Lvl 7
Nope, ain't her.

This one has bigger tits and a smaller ass than Michelle O.

I like this one better. 5*!
Lvl 24
That girl's smile doesn't make her look like a goblin.

So, no, it's not Michelle.
Lvl 16
This girl is actually good looking. Definitely not ole skank girl.
Lvl 14
The real one is more scarey than the posted pics
Lvl 21
ah.. nice copy..
Lvl 9
the thing is... Michelle Obama is NOT hot, shes the type of woman you want to donkey-punch
Lvl 14
Originally posted by renavatio33

the thing is... Michelle Obama is NOT hot, shes the type of woman you want to donkey-punch

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