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Lindsay Lohan Nude Shots. Yes. **Update: Now With Outtakes**

Starter: EricLindros Posted: 17 years ago Views: 24.0K
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Lvl 7
Love those freckles. great find she is still hot.
Lvl 4
Lindros beat me to it. I first saw the pics on huffingpost this morning. Thanks for getting them all in one place dude.
Lvl 4
not nearly as attractive as Marilyn
Lvl 29
Originally posted by Cypher04

not nearly as attractive as Marilyn

Nobody is, but give her credit for trying!!

I never realised she has such big/nice breasts...
i am awe struck. she looks better now that she put some weight on. fanfuckingtastic find
Originally posted by Swiss407

wow, the freckles consume her whole body. And the ultra pale skin is just hard to look at. I know she's a redhead and all but she can get some color at least.

Look at the portions of her body, such as her breasts, which have rarely if ever been exposed to sunlight and there is no freckling. Proof that attemping to tan only fucks up the skin. This is especially true the lighter ones complexion. I personally prefer exotic fair skin to anything darker and wish these fair ladies would stop trying to tan. The bulk of humanity has dark skin, why risk damaging fair skin only to look ordinary ? In the "Old South" ladies used parasols to avoid tanning even their faces or arms. They were wise.
Lvl 3
Originally posted by lilrika

nice find

Been forever since I've seen that name.

*WAVES* Hi Lilrika!!
Lvl 8
wow! great set of tits on that girl! finally!
Lvl 15
Nice tits, but her freckles and face look like a crackwhore granny.
Lvl 12
fuck shes hot. I've always loved her, knew she would finally give in. Thank god it was b4 she got pregnant an screwed her body up. A++++ tits.
Lvl 8
Great tits, it's about time she shared them with the general public. Nice work eric (beer)
Lvl 6
damn i just found those shots today and was bout to upload them guess i got beat to it
Lvl 12
Thanks, Eric. I had only seen 2 of the above earlier
Lvl 18
i'am with every one else on this one and wish she did these a couple years ago before she went the bottle.very nice tits
Lvl 9
She's got great tits, but that's about it for Lohan. Marilyn was much more beautiful, facially, more curves and she had fantastic tits as well. There is no contest. Marilyn exuded sexuality, Lohan exudes skankiness.
Lvl 9
boobs are nice but the body honestly looks better with some clothes on, JMO. thanks Eric
Lvl 59
Originally posted by njbassman

Marilyn exuded sexuality, Lohan exudes skankiness.

That's subjective. The only difference between those is in the eye of the beholder.

Personally, if I had to choose I'd take Lindsay over Marilyn, but then, I like redheads and can't stand chicks with those ugly moles on their faces.
Lvl 2
I love these pics

They're completely out of the blue, they weren't some hype machine for the past few months. I had no idea that these pics were coming, that makes it an even more pleasant surprise.

I also like that it's not a phony Playboy looking shoot, although I'd welcome one of those given this sneak peak.
Lvl 8
cant wait for the "outtakes"
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