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Kate Upton - "Sports Illustrated" Swimsuit Issue 2013

Starter: Tyrannus Posted: 12 years ago Views: 4.1K
Lvl 17
Lvl 17
Lvl 17
Lvl 17
Just got back from Flying and my GF hands me the new issue of SI. I love it!!!!!!!!!!
Lvl 11
Wow, those are so heavily airbrushed I don't know why they even bothered with the bodypaint -- just shop that on later too.
Lvl 60
I haven't really looked at SI swimsuit much in years. It's gotten a lot more... risque since I stopped. Damn, she looks good in that paint.
Lvl 51
She is hot!
Lvl 8
I haven't seen an SI swimsuit issue in a while. Are the other models similar to Kate Upton in that they aren't stick figures? I gave up on that issue when they started going crazy with the fashion models that were all scrawny with no boobs, hips, or butts.
Lvl 17
A few higher quality versions of the photos.

Lvl 17
Kate Upton finally completely topless!!