Andrew, shes mighty fine, great post.
MAN_of_GROGG 17 years ago
She's cute. Great post!
Got any of the girl that played "River"? Something about a a skinny girl with long wet dark hair kicking ass..
Side note- Best T.V. show that never really aired ever- the movie didn't disappoint me at all!!
jewel staite-kaylee is on stargate atlantis on sci-fi. and the comments are correct,
she is very sexy.
She's pretty cute. That's the girl from stargate? never knew that.
she plays the doctor. more of a supporting role so shes not in every episode. don't know if
she is in the cast this season, i've missed the first episode.
[Deleted] 17 years ago
not bad but a silly name!!!
she's on stargate atlantis as the dr... yeah i think she's in the next season...
All 4 girls from Firefly/Serenity will be up shortly...
Working on River now...
Inara Next.
Then Zoe...