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How to hotlink like a pro

Starter: Punly Posted: 18 years ago Views: 55.1K
Lvl 28
Not quite sure what happened, but the sticky which was here explaining how to hotlink seems to have been deleted.

100% credit goes to Kanzen for this thread and visual. I am only reposting what WAS here from the other hotlink thread.

As of late I have noticed some people, some more than others are having serious problems hotlinking images. Anyways, here is a quick, but thorough guide on how to hotlink images properly.

Step 01: In the message area type out [ img ] and then type [ /img ]

Step 02: Remove the spaces from [ img ] and [ /img ]

Step 03: Repeat this three times for three rows.

Step 04: Insert the url of the image you wish to hotlink between the ] and the [ of the image tags.

Step 05: Repeat for the other two rows, in sequence. Each image url has to be unique otherwise it will repeat the image.

* THREE IS THE MAXIMUM AND PREFERRED LIMIT OF HOTLINKED IMAGES PER POST. (thumbnails are allowed in unlimited quantity*

Step 06: Click "Post message."

Step 07: Repeat as necessary to post all the images.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 28
Not all sites allow external hotlinking.

After the initial post, you will be able to see the image, whether or not that site allows hotlinking, because the image is saved in your cache. You must clear it to be sure if your hotlink works.

These are the instructions for Firefox.

First type out your URL. Then click tools, and then options.

In the window that pops up, click on the privacy. You should now see another tab called cache. Click this tab.

Now click on the clear cache button. Select OK, and refresh the page. If the picture doesn't show up, or is displayed by a red-x, the hotlink does now work.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 28
If the site where you got the pictures from does not allow hotlinking, you'll need to host the pics on another site such as

I will cover how to upload to imagevenue. It's pretty much the same for other sites as well.

First you have to save the images to your computer.

Next, you have to go to

Click the browse button.

Now you must select your picture from its folder.

Continue to do this till all the spaces are filled up, or you are out of pictures to host.

Now you need to click "send files"

If using firefox, you may recieve this message.

If so, just click stop script.

Once your pictures are uploaded sucessfully, you will recieve this screen.

If you uploaded multiple files, copy the first code you are given. If you just uploaded 1, copy the second.

Now it's time to post your pictures. At the top of the forum you are in, you need to click "new topic."

Just fill out the blank parts of the page, and click "post message"

* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 28

From here, the rest works the same as all other picture hosts.
Vimaava123 finds this awesome.