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Help!! MTV Real World Girls

Starter: JeepKid44 Posted: 20 years ago Views: 10.1K
Lvl 12
I saw on TV somewhere that two girls form the MTV Real World posed partially nude for Playboy.. ANyone have pics of them?? Thanks!!
Lvl 12
Lvl 12
Thanks!! I've see nthese before, but nice fresher. I heard about two more recent girls that did it...
Lvl 12
they look a little fake to me
Lvl 12
Here's Trishelle, from MTV's Real World. Pics are at the bottom of the page.
Lvl 12
Not fake, I have the playboy that they came from.
Lvl 12
Playboy always air brushes
Lvl 13
Mary Beth Decker nudes

heres more from that one site,
* This post has been modified : 20 years ago
Lvl 12
Trishelle looks nice, but she would probably look a whole lot nicer with a bit less airbrushing and some less ho-like outfits... Pink is so not her color.

As for Mary Beth... I guess the airbrusher guy fell asleep when her pics were loaded up on his PhotoShop. Plus she's got serious camel toe syndrome, which, IMHO, is a bit of a turn off.

*Standard $ .02 comment disclaimer here*
* This post has been modified : 20 years ago
Lvl 12
Thanks guys!!!
I think camel toe can be hot on the right girl.
Lvl 22
Why do people always bitch about airbrushing?
Lvl 12

Because it's stupid. All people look unique, everyone has "mistakes", and those "mistakes" are what make us human. I like to look at girls with all their beauty intact. Give me the girl next door any day over a supermodel wearing a ton of make-up just so she doesn't look the least bit natural...
Lvl 22
I see what you are saying but, people say it like the girls that are airbrushed are completly hidious. I don't give a rats ass, I just was wondering, because I see this said on every forum I have ever been on. I think people are entitled to their opinion. But, they get mad at people for putting up links with airbrushed girls on them. Ok , I'll shut up now.
I agree, I'd rather see pics of a real woman than pics of a girl that's 95% photoshop. But at the same time, I can see where The_Clint is coming from... it's a tired subject that everyone is aware of, yet people continue to talk about it. I don't like to look at those kind of pictures, but I just quietly move on to the next pic, ignoring the airbrushed one. Some people like that sort of thing I suppose, and since life (and especially porn!) is all a matter of personal taste, we shouldn't complain about certain pics on a site. I have a thing for girls with some meat on them, and I like to see them on here, but many people get pissed about it when people upload pics of that. I try to upload the pics that seem most popular on the site out of respect for the taste of the majority, but at the same time, people shouldn't be penalized necessarily for uploading a pic that they find appealing. I'm not trying to write a book here (though I realize this is a long post) but I think it's a matter that needs attention... when a picture doesn't appeal to you in particular, all I can say is go on to the next pic, because the next guy might like the picture you didn't like. Long live individualism, and long live WBW.
Lvl 22
Yes, people do talk about it alot I just have seen it alot and never said anything about it. Just thought I would get someone else's opinion on it. Just ignore my stupidity.