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Haha Octomom naked, you guys! You know you wanna look!

Starter: EricLindros Posted: 12 years ago Views: 12.2K
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Lvl 18
Originally posted by EricLindros

How in the world is that anywhere near as exciting and interesting as seeing a lady who shit out 8 kids from her vagoo get naked and strip? That's like a once in a lifetime event! Like seeing one of the 7 wonders of the anceint world!

Lvl 24
yeah i messaged davey45 about it, i should ask him if he wants to go with me

you know the only problem for me is that it's like a 4 hour drive 1 way just to get there.
Lvl 18
Originally posted by FeFeHumHum

I actually was turned away from a stripclub with a guy who I was dating some years ago. I've never been to one.

Was the guy you were dating wearing a gun and and badge or something? I have never seen a woman turned away from a gentlemen's club. As Dros said, the "entertainers" LOVE it when women come in. Oh wait, that all assumes that I have ever been to one of those places, so I'll just back track a little and say you should prolly try again for the sake of WBW and good luck!
Lvl 24
ive only been on one date with a cop, and he was a total douchebag. he actually told me he would have ZERO problem writing his own mother a speeding ticket. i never saw him again after that

but no he wasnt. that place that we went to closed down though, i guess so.... with them turning away perfectly good womens.

i wont lie, i'd totally love to get a lap dance. how do you stop yourself from touching? (not from octomom, kthnx)
Lvl 60
You pretty much have to click into a thread like this. You may not like it, but you still have to click in.
Lvl 46
you're all crazy. I'd let each and everyone of you watch me hit that!
Lvl 24
Originally posted by 3holein1

you're all crazy. I'd let each and everyone of you watch me hit that!

we might not want to watch!
Lvl 18
Oh for the love of god...I LOOKED! Made me wonder tho, did she breastfeed?
Lvl 14
Actually, I've seen a whole lot worse on here.
Lvl 14
she dont look bad at all, i would do her a few times to
Lvl 59
Originally posted by eldjr

Actually, I've seen a whole lot worse on here.

Yea, in fact, I was thinking of starting a thread with a handful of pictures that I think are worse.
Lvl 25
Originally posted by EricLindros


Yea, in fact, I was thinking of starting a thread with a handful of pictures that I think are worse.

So your entire muscle girl queue?
Lvl 24
Originally posted by Kanzen


So your entire muscle girl queue?

though i agree with dros about being able to find uglier women very easily. perhaps its more of the knowing what shes about thats really the turn off, shes not particularly ugly or anything.
Lvl 8
Originally posted by FeFeHumHum

i wont lie, i'd totally love to get a lap dance. how do you stop yourself from touching? (not from octomom, kthnx)

Most of the strip clubs around here allow touching, just not between the legs. I've had a stripper hand me a bottle of Purell once before she gave me a dance. I don't blame her. Who knows where my hands have been?
Lvl 24
Originally posted by Davey45


Most of the strip clubs around here allow touching, just not between the legs. I've had a stripper hand me a bottle of Purell once before she gave me a dance. I don't blame her. Who knows where my hands have been?

We should totally go to one together sometime Not to the ones here in Orlando though, we're too Disney around here for any real fun apparently.
Lvl 59
Originally posted by Kanzen


So your entire muscle girl queue?

That folder is entitled "Fit Girls," I'll have you know.

And no, it's more crazy vaginas and weird boobs and stuff. It's like a circus sideshow, but of nakedness.
Lvl 37
Originally posted by Davey45


Who knows where my hands have been?

I clicked but only for the comments.
Lvl 18
Originally posted by ThreadKiller


I clicked but only for the comments. too. You read Playboy for the articles too, right?
Lvl 17
I had to google her too, never heard of her.

Anyhoo, I'd whack it. Seems like an ok milf tbh. Nice bangers too.
Lvl 24
yeah she looks a little better than when she was octomom in the making.

i'm just saying.
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