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anyone know who she is?

Starter: crue_30 Posted: 20 years ago Views: 799
Lvl 16
I seem to have misplaced her name. I have two pics of her and usually name them accordingly on my HDD so I know who they are but she is named "perfect body" and "pretty ass" on my HDD (and rightly so) but I would like to know her name. Please help
Lvl 16
pics wont post.....hmmmmm, sorry
Lvl 16
close topic please
Lvl 14
what happened Crue?
Lvl 21
yeah crue-z hows about a "perfect body" and a "pretty ass" for us??
Lvl 16
dude, the pics wont post....I guess I could try again.
Lvl 16
perfect body (if it posts)(which i doubt)
Lvl 16
nope, moderator, please close topic, it's pissing me off!
Lvl 21
WHERES DIZ-X when u need him??!? lots of people have been having that problem! not me tho!
Lvl 16
yeah, I couldnt post my desktops either in a different thread. Ya know, the one I told you to "bite me" in, LMAO!@
Lvl 21
which one was that again?? im posting all over the damn place