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15 Hottest Lesbian & Bisexual Celebrities

Starter: [Deleted] Posted: 13 years ago Views: 20.4K
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Lvl 21
hot chicks
#5 - Michelle Rodriguez

Why she's famous: Fast & The Furious, Blue Crush, Avatar - Basically she's hollywoods tough chick.

Is she gay: Again, she's one of those girls who refuses to deny or admit it. However, she's been seen on the arms of other ladies on this list, and recently hosted a party for Go Magazine...which is the largest lesbian magazine in the US.

#4 - Lindsay Lohan

Why she's famous: Driving drunk, snorting coke...oh and she acts and sings on occasion.

Is she gay: Com'on Lindsay, just admit it already! We all know you are, life would be so much easier if you just settled down with a single available *ahem* Canadian girl with the initials S.P.

* This post has been modified : 13 years ago
#3 - Portia de Rossi

Why she's famous: Arrested Development, Better Of Ted, Mrs Portia DeGeneres

Is she gay: Yes, 100% gay. Although she was married to guy once...strictly to gain her green card.

#2 - Megan Fox

Why she's famous: Duh

Is she gay: She's admitted to being bi, but its just a matter of time til she's 100% gay...I mean she's married to Brian Austin Green

Lvl 16
# 15, is proof you don't have to have a huge rack to way hot!
#1.5 (damm you EL) - Ashley Greene

Why she's famous: Yes, from those gay vampire movies (again)

Is she gay: EricLindros say she likes the ladies, so thats good enough for me. Honestly, again its another case of, "she's just not saying." It could be that she's really bi, or just using it help her career a little.

Lvl 16
#4 - Lindsay Lohan

Hell yes she is gay.

She is going to be in Porn within 5 years you just watch.

Just like that babe that was a madam in NY and said she would not turn to Porn (can't think of her name right now), she was interviewed by Maury Povich and she said she has been in 3 and is in contract for 4 more.

IF someone knows here name please contact me and let me know.
#1 - Kristanna Loken

Why she's famous: Best known for the bad ass terminator in Terminator 3

Is she gay: She's had relationships with men, but now defines herself as lesbian. (yay team!)

So there you have it. Agree? Disagree? Did I forget anyone?
Lvl 59
Originally posted by Sugarpie_the_sequel

So there you have it. Agree? Disagree? Did I forget anyone?

Jessica Biel.

You know, it'd be much easier to make this list if these ladies didn't try to hide their gayness all the time with denials and fake-boyfriends and such. Like, come on, we all know that nobody would actually want to date Brian Austin Green of their own volition, so who's she trying to kid? Or Timberlake...pshh.

Anyway, solid list, even if I do think Lady Gaga is not an attractive person. The 1.5-4 range is especially extraordinary.
I may eventually do a lesbian only list, I'll see.

You didn't care for #1?
Lvl 59
Kristanna is super hot too, I just don't think of her immediately when I think of super hot famous ladies who might be gay-ish...probably because she's not as famous or whatever. Plus, Megan and Ashely distracted me.
Originally posted by EricLindros

Kristanna is super hot too, I just don't think of her immediately when I think of super hot famous ladies who might be gay-ish...probably because she's not as famous or whatever. Plus, Megan and Ashely distracted me.

She may not be a super hot FAMOUS lesbian, but she is a SUPER HOT lesbian.
Lvl 59
She's actually hotter than Lindsay at this point, but meh. Lindsay to me is like coffee to some people; we know it's not "good" per se, and that there are plenty of other drinks that are much tastier, but you keep going back to it because you're an idiot.

Or something like that.

Although I dunno if I would consider hotter than Ashley. Ashley's got the really rare combo of hot+cute going on. Kristanna probably has Megan beat in terms of just physical attractiveness.
I totally agree with your comment on Lilo...She's such a wreck, and no doubt would end up driving who ever she's with crazy, but I still wanna have her thighs wrapped around my ears.

I won't lie, Kristanna only edged out Ashley on my list because we know for a fact that she likes the ladies. You show me a pic of Ashley locking lips with a girl and I may reconsider. lol
Anna Paquin. I forgot Anna Paquin.

Pics to come tomorrow.
Lvl 7
great thread mate. i would have placed angelina in the top 3 though!
Lvl 4
If we were talking about snowboards, i could say : GOOD WOOD!
Since we're talking about chick i'll say : GOOD WOOD! (that's the effect lesbians have on me since forever)

Good thread, post that kind of stuff more often, I'm getting tired sometime of EL pan-enormous threads!
Lvl 9
Awesome thread, Thanks for posting!

There will always be a place in my heart for Angelina.

I dig strong women and the pic of Jillian is sexy and very appealing to me.

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