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15 Hottest Lesbian & Bisexual Celebrities

Starter: [Deleted] Posted: 13 years ago Views: 20.4K
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Lvl 59
Originally posted by Notech

So is this guy.

[ Image ]

So your point is ?

That dude is hella sexy. If a dude looked like that, but was a bit more masculine, well, he'd be the perfect dude, IMO.
I won't get into the whole Gaga vs Madonna debate, they both have good bodies and are attractive. I will say that without Madonna paving the way, Gaga would never have existed. And there is more to Gaga's appeal than just her looks, there is a whole sexy and carefree lifestyle that helps make her more least for me. And I honestly believe that she's a beautiful woman.
Lvl 59
Originally posted by Sugarpie_the_sequel

And I honestly believe that she's a beautiful woman.


To each their own.

Cough*Ashley Green*Cough.
Originally posted by EricLindros

Cough*Ashley Green*Cough.

I kinda had the list finalized...but in light of this news (that I have yet to confirm) I have have to find room in the top ten...but who do I boot? It means that someone from the top ten, goes down to No 16. Hardly seems fair /:
Lvl 59
You can make a half.

I think I did that with one or two on my list. Like 8 becomes 8.5, and the new person is #8.
I'll take your advise and suggestion into consideration. (:
Lvl 15
Originally posted by Sugarpie_the_sequel

#11 - Lady Gaga

Is she gay: Again...have you been living under a rock? She calls sexuality "fluid" and is openly bi.

She can not be considered a lesbian because he/she is a hermaphradite. I mean just because I like to eat pussy doesn't make me a lesbian.
If you check her boards out (mostly populated by 13 year olds) there are many who state that they don't care about her sexuality because they love her music. And that seems correct. There are many other musicians that were gay or swung both ways (Freddie Mercury, Bowie, Townsend, Melissa Etherridge) and put out great music. I personally don't think musically she is in the class of those previously mentioned though.
Oh god, not the whole hermaphrodite thing again....that's so 2009....She is a she.
#10 - Jillian Micheals

Why she's famous: Helping fat people loose hundreds of pounds in just a few months on The Biggest Loser

Is she gay: Micheals has never confirmed or denied her sexuality, although she's has often been seen in public with Jackie Warner (another super fit trainer and out lesbian - see page 6) and has been quoted as saying, "If I fall in love with a man great, if I fall in love with a woman, thats great too"

* This post has been modified : 13 years ago
#9 - Leisha Hailey

Why she's famous: TV's poster child for femme lesbians everywhere on Bravo's The L Word (hint...L doesn't stand for love) She's also a multitallented musician having been in such bands as The Murmmers, Gush, and now Uh Huh Her.

Is she gay: Its ironic that as the only out lesbian on the L Word, she played the only bisexual character...yes, Ms. Hailey is indeed gay.

#8 - Angelina Jolie

Why she's famous: Seriously, do I have to explain who Angelina is??

Is she gay: Nope, but has admitted to being bisexual. While Mrs. Jolie-Pitt is no doubt getting older, there is no mistaking that she is a beautiful woman, although I have to admit I'd find her more attractive if she occassionally showed us that she is indeed bisexual.

#7 - Drew Barrymore

Why she's famous: Please tell me you remember E.T.?

Is she gay: Sadly no, like Angelina above, Drew has admitted to being bisexual. I have to admit that Drew's lack of non stagged public lady lovin' placed her lower on the list.

#6 - Nelly Furtado

Why she's famous: Cuz she's a maneater, make you work hard...make you spend hard.

Is she gay: We don't really know...but we can hope. She's has stated that she's straight, but very open minded. Where did I put my roofies??

Oh...P.S. This picture of Drew Barrymore and Ellen Page makes me have extremly naughty thoughts....very naughty. Just sayin.

Lvl 59

P.S. - Of the second batch, the only one I'm not feeling is Drew. Her dirty chubbiness is a turn off. But other than that, good additions.
Really....Dirty chubbiness. I think there was a time that she could be described as dirty, and her cheeks have always been a little chubby, but don't you think her image has changed a little? I guess that's why girls all look different, cuz I would eat her up with a spoon anytime.
Lvl 59
I just mean she's got a bit of a softer body shape than some of the other chicks, and she's been known to be unkempt from time to time, which is also a turnoff. Although, I just went looking for some pics to better show what I mean, and I'm not finding much, so maybe that's just me projecting my mental image of her onto what she actually looks like. Whoops.

And, wait, apparently she's dating that hipster dickhead from the "I'm a Mac" commercials?! Ugh. NEXT!
Aww really? I actually think Justin Long is kinda know....if I was down with the wenis.
Lvl 59
Make sense, since he's like super effeminate.

Although, most hipsters are, so I guess that's like, the style or something.

Hey, you ever hear that Jessica Biel might be gay/bi? I've read on and off that Timberlake is her beard and she's just using him for publicity.
I've heard the rumors, but not for awhile. I believe she outright denied them. And dating Hollywoods hottest boy seems to have made the rumors disappear.
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