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Would you leave you wife for this babe with massive nipples

Starter: johntemple Posted: 16 years ago Views: 2.1K
Lvl 6

Would you leave your wife or g/f for this babe

  • No

    78.85% (41)

  • Yes

    21.15% (11)

Votes: 52
Lvl 29
No. She's hotter than my g/f, but I'd never leave her just for a more attractive woman. I love her very deeply!!

Lvl 18
In the future you need to post some screen caps for the vid, it's part of the Babe Movies forum rules. I did it for you this time...

To answer the question though. FUCK NO I wouldn't leave my wife for this girl. My wife blows this chick out of the water not to mention she already knows what I like and is happy to oblige.
* This post has been modified : 16 years ago
Lvl 18
My wife is a lot hotter too.

Very noob question. You want to see people leave their wives, you need to throw up some Alba.
Lvl 18
@mrdorkbutt: Alba wouldn't have a chance in hell of making me leave my wife. She's the most stuck up bitchy woman in Hollywood currently. Plus she just had a baby and threw away the only thing she had going for her which was her looks cause she's never had a good personality. I'd take the girl in this vid over Jessica Alba.
Lvl 21
massive nipples??
Originally posted by Swiss407

In the future you need to post some screen caps for the vid, it's part of the Babe Movies forum rules. I did it for you this time...

[ Link ]

To answer the question though. FUCK NO I wouldn't leave my wife for this girl. My wife blows this chick out of the water not to mention she already knows what I like and is happy to oblige.

Thx for adding screens
Lvl 23
Too skinny for my tastes.
Lvl 18
Originally posted by Swiss407

@mrdorkbutt: Alba wouldn't have a chance in hell of making me leave my wife. She's the most stuck up bitchy woman in Hollywood currently. Plus she just had a baby and threw away the only thing she had going for her which was her looks cause she's never had a good personality. I'd take the girl in this vid over Jessica Alba.

Fine, Scarlett Johanson
Lvl 22
Originally posted by waywardson

massive nipples??
yeah...what's up with that??

but i would take her since i have no wife or gf.

Lvl 16
My soon to be Ex, is way fucking hotter than this girl.. so NO
Lvl 14
The girl in the vid is kind of funny / weird looking.
Lvl 16
She's all nipple and no tit, fuck that!
ty for the clip