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WII Fit Girl

Starter: Kinkyfun5477 Posted: 15 years ago Views: 13.1K
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Lvl 18
Here's an interview the first girl did on what's it like to be rocketed to internet fame due to playing wii fit in your underwear.
Lvl 18
omg what a really good 5* thread!!!!
Lvl 24
There's rumors the first vid was actually a viral marketing campaign by Nintendo. Nintendo denies it, to maintain their good clean fun image, but there are those that say both the girl and the guy in the video work for an advertising agency Nintendo uses.

Not that any of that makes her ass any less cute.
Lvl 18
lol but you gotta love it one way or another, yes there is tons of great stuff on youtube
Lvl 18
I really doubt Nintendo did this. Nintendo is an incredibly kid friendly company like Disney and they wouldn't want to risk their good name if it ever got found out they put out a viral ad of a girl in her underwear. Plus the Wii has been selling like hot cakes since it came out, they have no need to even advertise with regular commercials very much because the thing sells itself (even though I find it boring personally). Besides with Nintendo money they could have found a WAY hotter girl to do it.

edit: do hot cakes actually sell well? I've never thought there to be a high demand for hot cakes and a lot of IHOP's in the area have been goin out of business sooooooo apparently they don't. Maybe the new saying should be "... selling like Wii's". Damn, Leonard, these hot cakes are selling like Wii's. Nah, it just doesn't have the same ring to it.
* This post has been modified : 15 years ago
Lvl 25
Girls and Wii accident waiting to happen.
Lvl 11
I like this thread. My head is spinning with all the possibilities
Lvl 18
Even fat drunk chicks can play...

Lvl 18
Lvl 18
Lvl 18
Well in this one you gotta listen to the 2 queers for a few seconds first...

Lvl 18
And here's an asian chick...

Lvl 18
And one of the nicer asses so far

Lvl 18
Not only Wii fit but also Wii Tennis...

Lvl 18
What the hell is with the Wii making girls strip? My PS3 has 10 times the technology of a Wii and hasn't gotten one girl half naked yet. I guess I need to get a Wii after all.
Lvl 11
Asian girl in #32 moves niiiice
It's been a long time since I've been this turned on by a hula hoop. Didn't Cameron Diaz do this move way back in the first Charlie's Angels movie?
Lvl 13
#17 is the fucking hotness!
Lvl 21
really good!
Lvl 9
Funny thread
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