omg what a really good 5* thread!!!!
There's rumors the first vid was actually a viral marketing campaign by Nintendo. Nintendo denies it, to maintain their good clean fun image, but there are those that say both the girl and the guy in the video work for an advertising agency Nintendo uses.
Not that any of that makes her ass any less cute.
lol but you gotta love it one way or another, yes there is tons of great stuff on youtube
Even fat drunk chicks can play...
And here's an asian chick...
And one of the nicer asses so far
Not only Wii fit but also Wii Tennis...
Asian girl in #32 moves niiiice
[Deleted] 15 years ago
It's been a long time since I've been this turned on by a hula hoop. Didn't Cameron Diaz do this move way back in the first Charlie's Angels movie?
#17 is the fucking hotness!