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WII Fit Girl

Starter: Kinkyfun5477 Posted: 15 years ago Views: 13.1K
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Lvl 10
Found this online and thought it was rather hot.
Lvl 10
Lvl 10
Lvl 10
Lvl 30
Ty for the share Kf5477.
Lvl 2
i love naked wii fitting

Lvl 21
The download limit has been reached can you re-up the video
Lvl 6
Ditto last message.
Lvl 10
Here is another link to it at a different server.
Lvl 28
The WII is just a sex toy waiting to happen. :P
Lvl 13
That was excellent!
Lvl 14
she was cute, a little thin, but not bad
Lvl 21
Shes got a cute lil ass!

Thanks kinky
Lvl 6
damn my wife needs 1 of those
Lvl 8
you can get this on youtube with NO wait. been online for probably almost 2 years.
Lvl 18
There's TONS of these on youtube. There's actually a website dedicated to a competition like this. Girls send in videos of themselves in their underwear playing with a wii and then I guess people vote on the videos and they win stuff so that's why there's such a huge amount of these vids.

Lvl 18
Lvl 18
Lvl 18
Lvl 8
then there are the bad vids for wii fit.
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