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webcam vids some split some not......ENJOY!!

Starter: Shenanigans! Posted: 19 years ago Views: 21.2K
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Lvl 20
anyone know how to make html codes for videos that you have in your libary so you can post them on spaces like ""? it says you need a video code or html....i want to put my OWN video on my profile but dont know how to........PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 25
So you expect people to help "the most hated man at WBW"?

And by which is also is false advertising since there are quite a few other people who are more disliked than you.
he upsets Cobrian a couple of times and he thinks he's the devil::sigh::
Lvl 20
hmmm Kanzen is chiming in with a crappy comment?? SURPRISE!!!! and i dont remember having a problem with CObrain...i thought MOST of my past issues were around ETV ....well well it seems i piss off MORE people than i know!! I AM THE DEVIL!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!! THANKS ROCKY!!! (btw your posts SUCK)
Lvl 20
anywhooooooooo chime in with a lousy useless comment anytime some asks for sumpthin WITHOUT giving SUMPTHING, you chime in with a uselss crappy comment when someone asks for something AND gives seeing a trend here...i asked for a favor...i gave not a me a favor kanzen buddy...if you aint gonna comment on the vid or help me out with my dilemma then shut the hell up!! you are the MOST useless S.O.B. on the face of the earth!!!
Lvl 20
Lvl 20
Lvl 20
Lvl 20
Lvl 22
actually you had that in your sig before i even knew you existed

but keep it up, everyone knows that the best way to get around here is to piss off all the mods
Lvl 20
ok before i reopen THAT can of worms...i said PAST PROBLEMS didint i ?? everyone is so DANG sensitive here!!! PAST PROBLEMS ERIC!!!! alls im trying to do here is post some kick ass pics and vids.....why dont you admit that kanzen was being a dick with his post? and that lap dog rocky was being like he ALWAYS is!!!! i asked a question eric....i posted a vid as appreciation to all who would help....i got dickhead comments....i gave dickhead help with the question or BUTT OUT!!!!!! (oh oh!! here come all the MOD butt kissers!!!!) and no offense should be backing ME up....ive posted THOUSANDSSSSSSS more pics and movies than rocky, and face it...thats why people come here...not for the forum posts!!
Lvl 20
heres a nice one...and small too!
Lvl 20
surprise delivery!
Lvl 22
i didnt attack you, i said "you had that in your sig before i knew you existed" that is a statement of fact....but if you take fact as an attack, you are the one who is sensitive, not i.

i dont give a fuck what you post. rocky adds interesting things to the conversation, and is generally a nice user on WBW, i respect him far more for that than i would respect an asshole who purposely tries to be an asshole to be "hated" and adds "thousands of pics and movies"

and kanzen wasnt being a dick, you are a minor annoyance, while we have users who are actually far more hated than you. you are more like a minor blemish.

as i have said before: sponsors are held to a higher level of expectation, not lower. so, since you are simply an angry negative energy whore, you are simply generally ignored.

the only reason i replied is because my name was mentioned.

dont worry. this is my last reply here. have fun being hated
Lvl 20
i sound pretty hated!!!!!! possibly the MOSTED HATED MAN AT WBW!!!!!!!!! YAY...(OH and i never SAID you attacked me, i realize that doesnt matter and you usually fabricate a made up argument but for facts sake, i never said it....actually if ANYTHING i said i never ATTACKED YOU!!) oh sure MOST people disagree with your assumption and come here for the pics and vids....i realize you think WBW is a world changer, but its DOES HAVE the BEST pics and vids..ill give it that!!! thats why im a SPONSER!!!!but thats it....but thanks for not coming back!!! luv ya!
Lvl 20
more vids.....
Lvl 25
In between the flashes of coherent intelligence of other users, this thread is nothing more than a rambling of a little nobody.

Jackass280, you should be the last person ttalking about other people's contributions. If you did a little searching you'd see that I've posted thousands of pics, and many movies outside of just mere uploads. But then again you haven't changed one bit since when you attacked Sphtman because you were too stupid to understand the meaning of his posts. You should be the last person talking about other people making assumptions.

You are merely a speck of dust in this universe.
Lvl 8
nice vids. thanks alot
Is neone surprised this dick isn't getting any help?

I don't think you are the most hated, I think you are CERTAINLY the most unbalanced child on WBW. Eric is clearly correct, he stated a fact, you took it as an attack.

And for what reason would someone RELISH being the most hated, especially when it also clearly isn't the truth? You simply are a complaining unstable asshole. Why should we waste our effort to help you?

And fighting with the Administers, Tut Tut! I am sure there are many users out there, Newbies like me, and Demigods alike who think you are the one who is off-base, and NOT the people who run this site.

Keep up the good work Eric and Kanzen!! jackss280, you certainly live up to your name. And no, it's not that I am a mod supporter, it is that people users can simply so who is correct, and who is mistaken. That is why they(and me) agree with Eric and the other mods. Not to kiss ass, but because YOU are wrong.

Ever wonder why YOU are the only one agreeing with you? Couldn't be because you are wrong, NO NO!!
It's because YOU are RIGHT, EVERYONE ELSE is wrong, right?

I applaud you for your lack of reason in the overwhelming presense of facts.
USUALLY i hate ERIC as much as the next guy...

but here EVEN I agree with Eric.

jackass, you need to get your head in order bro!! you are clearly insane in the membrane (INSANE IN THE BRAIN!!)

(witch) arent even worth my effort.
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