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Shower girl

Starter: jockgirl Posted: 20 years ago Views: 6.4K
Lvl 20
This girl didn't get a good review for her dancing video, so I thought that I'd give her another chance. Just to a warning to those with certain bodytype preferences...she's not very large in the chest.
Lvl 12
Hmm, nasty. And why is the video side ways? Shes ugly how about someone delete this.
Lvl 22
Hey, to each their own Guest. I personally think she'd be just fine looking once she shaved that thang.
Lvl 33
i think she is cute. i like small boobs with big nippels. just a shame the movie was taken from the side.
Lvl 12
suxs massive pennis
* This post has been modified : 20 years ago
Lvl 12
It's an eye strainer for sure, if you turn your monitor on its left side you should be okay.
Lvl 16
why does she use this fluffy animal to wash herself?
Lvl 13
Lvl 12
Lvl 22
Thank god nvidia put a screen rotation feature with thier software.
Lvl 17
What is so exciting about this?
Lvl 14
What is so exciting about watching a naked girl take a shower?'s not everyday,week, or month that I get to see a naked girl take a shower, so from "my end"'s very exciting
Lvl 12
what are we, 14? need a little more than just a crooked ass sideways shower voyeur video to get me off...
Lvl 12
Well, I like it. I think she's sexy. But why sideways?
Lvl 12
I've seen worse
Lvl 13