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Screen Capture Tools & Tutorial

Starter: GoldBrick Posted: 17 years ago Views: 764
Lvl 15
(I posted this in the software forum a while ago but I think it would be more appropriate here)

2 Excellent Windows Screen Capture programs are Camtasia Recorder & Hypercam.

Camtasia -->

Hypercam -->

The great thing about these 2 Screen Capturing programs is that you can select the codec you want to use to encode the .avi's it records.

I suggest using the Xvid Codec

Here are 2 tutorials archived in .rar's containing .avi tutorials showing how to select the xvid codec as the programs compressor.

Camtasia Tutorial -->

Hypercam Tutorial -->

In the tutorials you will notice that I unchecked the Display Encoding Status in the Advanced options, this must be done otherwise everytime you try to record something on your screen the Encoding Status window will popup and may cover whatever it is you are trying to record.

You may also want to check out this weird Hide Cursor option they included in Camtasia, located under Effects --> Cursor.

In Hypercam is located under the Other Options tab, just uncheck it.

This will stop your cursor arrow from being recorded when screen capturing. (I dont know why you would want to do that though when the programs are intended for creating software presentations, tutorials, demos etc. What else would you use the program for??
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 27
Very nice guide here.

Personally, I use SnagIt which like Camtesia, is also produced by Techsmith. Great program for all types of capture, not just webcam. And with a little looking, a serial key isn't hard to find on the net.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 7
I need something like this to record Sin's shows but I need a key. I'm to broke right now to buy the program
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago