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Nice homemade vids

Starter: monte Posted: 20 years ago Views: 39.7K
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Lvl 12
4 of 6
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5 of 6
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6 of 6

If you have the other five parts this should let you see them.
Lvl 12
For the first five, unzip and save in folder. For number six, save entire zip into same folder and then open it.
Lvl 12
There has to be a better way. I have a program that can split the files up so you can watch them seperately but it takes a long time. I used to use it to make video CD's. I'll look for the program and see if it goes any quicker for these short clips.
Lvl 12
Hey NoPook, you must have caught me mid post. They are all there now.
Lvl 12
if you'll use one of the compression programs i suggested above you won't spend alot of time splitting stuff. No need to cut the actual video files just compress and split the archive.
Lvl 12
1 of 2
Lvl 29
beach hand job.

Lvl 12
1 of 2

Unzip this file and save in a folder.
Lvl 12
2 of 2

Do not unzip first. Save .zip file in same folder and then open it to view movie.
Lvl 12
great post.. thanks
Lvl 11
i love videos
Lvl 12
I found the program I was thinking of so I'll post some more. It soesn't take long to split, you can view each part seperately, and everyone is happy (at least I am). The only bad part is that you can't view the whole movie at once, but in parts.
Lvl 12
Lvl 12
Lvl 12
number 4
Lvl 12
This number five was a little large. A smaller one is included at the end.
* This post has been modified : 20 years ago
Lvl 12
part 7
Lvl 12
I'll have to go and shrink number 5 a little more. 1M exactly and you can't download! Anywy here is number 8.
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