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Girl getting a bottle stuck inside her with friends filming

Starter: lknflkdsn Posted: 17 years ago Views: 6.3K
Lvl 8
I remember seeing this vid here and I wanted to show it to someone but I can't find it, does anyone know where it would be?
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 6
Are you talking about that scottish/irish lass partying with a bunch of dudes? and after the bottle she kinda rides that one guy? From what I recall her name was jenny? I remember everyone chanting her name and her having a great giggle all the while.
Lvl 37
Nobody found it the last time you asked!
Lvl 6
Well.. is it just me the search forum option doesn't work for??

BTW- it's pretty reasonable it could be- don't take my syntax with the wrong zorkiness. I'm often drunk and operating my computer with only 1 hand...
Lvl 29