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Girl Friend's Revenge

Starter: MrDee Posted: 17 years ago Views: 9.0K
Lvl 7
Lvl 12
GF revenge???...fucking another guy?...anal sex??
Originally posted by amore45

GF revenge???...fucking another guy?...anal sex??

My guess, and it's actually pretty obvious

BF wanted anal, GF was not into it.

BF found a girl to do anal with, aka cheated on GF

GF was pissed and let BF's (best friend,brother, some random dude off the street, club) get some anal action.

Good vid though
Lvl 9
Actually, I don't care if it is a revenge vid or not. This vid is simply awesome. Thanx, MrDee.
Lvl 11
I doubt this is a "revenge vid". She's been making webcams for years working for camgurls and her own website "bustycamerella"

Lvl 9
good one! thx
Lvl 8
good find! thanks.
Lvl 10
I like her, not too shabby must say
Lvl 14
if shes your ex and she sent you a video of her fucking another guy.... you should take a stillshot of the video, one where shes sucking dick, print it out and attactch a not with it, on the note say "Dad please send money" then send mail it to her parents house. I have a friend who did that it was hilarious
Lvl 7
BTW... thank you for sharing this!
Lvl 9
Originally posted by coolifter

if shes your ex and she sent you a video of her fucking another guy.... you should take a stillshot of the video, one where shes sucking dick, print it out and attactch a not with it, on the note say "Dad please send money" then send mail it to her parents house. I have a friend who did that it was hilarious

man what a great idea...i laughed at it
thx for posting the vid
Lvl 7
Anyone got her blowjob or other vids?
Lvl 9