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German Amateur Fuck on New Year's Eve

Starter: [Deleted] Posted: 16 years ago Views: 14.8K
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Hi guys, here's a homevideo some of you may have already seen in parts... but this one is a new and longer edit. I've filmed it with my girl on some New Year's Eve about 2am (you can still hear the wireworks). I think it's the best way to begin a new year, hehe. It was really good fun recording, so I hope you enjoy watching this first bit of our fuck, too. If you like it, please let me know and be kind. By the way, she was 21, I 24 when we recorded this.

* This post has been modified by brownell : 16 years ago
Lvl 12
Nice start of the year
Lvl 7
ty for share .
Lvl 15
U r the man!
Lvl 14
Meh, it's ok, wish I could see her face. Ty for the share though.
thanx so far, guys! I enjoy you people enjoying that vid a lot... so feel free do give me some more comments, dear fellow lovers of amateur porn!
Lvl 5
great vid, she looks like a real hottie, hope to see more of her!!!
Lvl 12
great stuff...looks like a real hottie! hope to see more action in the future
Lvl 12
Good movie and beautiful girl, post more. thanks
Lvl 3
great one more!!!!
thank you people for the very nice comments on the vid and my girl! and don't hesitate to post some more, then I might find some more vid material to post... ;-)
Lvl 8
Originally posted by JeffersonX

thank you people for the very nice comments on the vid and my girl! and don't hesitate to post some more, then I might find some more vid material to post... ;-)

Stop teasing and get posting, your first vid looked great. Would love to see more.
Lvl 4
She's very nice would love to see her on top or something so we can see more of her hot body
Lvl 7
Good stuff, feel free to go on posting ;-)
Lvl 6
I agree... you should post more, your girl looks great!
Lvl 16
nice vid... very nice!! thx a lot!

looks like there is more of this new-year-fuck...
Lvl 11
any more update?
Lvl 9
awesome vid !! your girl is HOT :P
Thank you so much for your kind comments! I think you guys gave me the most positive reaction that I ever got on posted material. That's encouraging.
And yes, of course there's more of the vid - me and the girl wanted to celebrate new year's properly! ;-D So please don't hesitate to give me some more comments. I'd love to hear what you think about the video, my girl,... well, anything you feel like commenting about. :-)

cheers JeffX
Lvl 7
lovely vids, jeff... romantic, beautiful and *hot*; looking forward to more!
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