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Full Paris Hilton Video

Starter: joeslick79 Posted: 20 years ago Views: 6.4K
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Lvl 12
Does anyone have to the FULL version of the Paris Hilton video, I already have the 3:00 video, I want the full version.
Lvl 14
Dagnabit everytime I see ANOTHER one of these topics appear on these boards, it gets my hopes up -- only to be crushed seconds later when I realize it's just a repeat of the dozens of other Paris Hilton threads.
Lvl 12
Sorry for the upset, but all of the other post dont have the full video
Lvl 14
Ha ha that's okay... I'm just bitter because I'm hungry and too poor to order Dominos. Anyways, none of em have the video because no one has it. The second the full video makes it out to the mainstream internet, you will know. Trust me: you will know.
Lvl 12
Patience young Padewan. -Quigon Jin
Lvl 12
Thanks for the info Bossman, I thought I heard someone say the full video was out.
Lvl 12
yo sutas why does ronald macdonald look so scary uggghhh.... sends shivers down my spine
Lvl 12
Hey unknown_hero, maybe it's because he's a cousin of the clown from It.
Lvl 12
I saw the full video at
Lvl 12
Can anyone verify that it's at Websense is blocking me. So much for surfing at McDonald's.
People should write REQ - before they write the topic
Lvl 14
the full video is 30 minutes long and only paris has it.. i kind of doubt that it will be leaked.
Lvl 12
that doesn't make any sense at all... why would she release only 3 mins? what makes more sense is that the x boyfriend has it and he wants to make money off of it so he releases a small bit to get everyone excited then sells the full thing.

Unfortunately the 3 mins suck and I wouldn't pay shit for that movie. I would, however, spend hours to download it for free!
Lvl 14
I've heard the whole video is 45 mins long.

and the 3 mins were released, to get people to buy the longer vid.

But the courts, the famlies, etc, got involved first.
* This post has been modified : 20 years ago
Lvl 19

Tina Fey: Paris Hilton is a name that's on everyone's lips these days. Here now in an exclusive interview with Jimmy Fallon in Paris Hilton.
Jimmy Fallon: Thanks for coming on.
Paris Hilton: Nice to be here.
JF: So, we agreed, we won't be discussing the scandal that's been in the papers the past couple weeks.
PH: I appreciate that.
JF: We want to find about you, Paris Hilton. Your family...the Hiltons own hotels all around the world.
PH: Yes, in New York, London, Paris.
JF: Wait, there actually is a Paris Hilton?
PH: Yes, there is.
JF: Is it hard to get into the Paris Hilton?
PH: Actually, it's a very exclusive hotel, no matter what you've heard.

JF: I hear the Paris Hilton is very beautiful.
PH: I'm glad that you've heard that.
JF: Is there double occupancy at the Paris Hilton?
PH: No.
JF: Is the Paris Hilton very roomy?
PH: It might be for you. But most people find it very comfortable.
JF: I'm a VIP, I might need to go through the back entrance.
PH: Doesn't matter who are you – it's not going to happen.
JF: Fair enough, okay. I throw a lot of events. Do they have ballrooms there?
PH: We do.
JF: Great, I'd love to have my balls held by the Paris Hilton. Sounds awesome. I'd like to check into the Paris Hilton.
PH: I don't think you can.
JF: Really? I'd only be able to stay there a minute and a half...two minutes, tops.
PH: Good luck.
JF: Paris Hilton!
Lvl 20
haha you kill me, Hemi
Lvl 12
The website doesn't have the video, it does however have a giant barbie doll video where they try and reinact the Paris Hilton video.
Lvl 12
Nice one Hemi it made me laugh soooo much!
Lvl 12
too funny
Lvl 12
I've seen a 618 meg video in a file server....
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