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For those having problems watching some movies!

Starter: Overlord_ Posted: 21 years ago Views: 714
Lvl 14
download the Codec pack from

its has ALL the codecs in existance! if u cant play any type of movie after installing that ill kill myself.. well not really
Lvl 22
I so don't like ace codecs.
They just get on my nerves with all the crap they put on your computer.
Oh yea, it doesn't play everything.
Lvl 14
personally i think its the best. he had a few bugs on the previous versions but this one doesnt have problems. its plays everything i ever came across.... what do u mean it doesnt play everything? what doesnt it play?
Lvl 25
I always use Nemo, or download them myself.. or kazaalite has a codec pack too...
Lvl 12
if youre intersested in a player that plays evreything without dl'ing any codecs, try it plays everything except realmedia files (but i hate those, so it doesnt matter to me) it also has a slim design, and its available for every major operating system.
* This post has been modified : 21 years ago
Lvl 22
Carracer why does it keep sending me to
No ace codecs don't play everything.
I have run across alot of variations on the Divx codec it won't play.