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Conversion Program

Starter: BritneysLoveSlave Posted: 13 years ago Views: 2.3K
Lvl 11
I have heaps of vids in flv files, What is the best program to use to convert the files to wmv or avi so i can burn them onto discs?,Any Suggestions would be appreciated please!!,Cheers!
Lvl 16
NeroVision should work for you but it requires you to get the full Nero license. I haven't actually used it for FLV, but in 9 it allowed me to add them to a project so it should work fine. Great thing about NeroVision is that it goes form media file to disc without having to manually convert formats yourself, and it does about the best job of any program I have ever used in converting to a good disc. It won't make things better than they were on the original file, but it will keep it close if you don;t try to put too much on one disc.
Lvl 11
Cool!,Thanks Mate!!!
Any good programs to open rar files???
realplayer also has a conversion program that should work for you.
Lvl 7
avidemux is a good, free conversion utility:
Lvl 25
for conversions, I use either Magic Video Converter or ConvertXtoDVD, just depends on if I am going to put the vids on a disc.

MVC just converts the file but CXtD converts and burns in one pass

for opening RAR files, I use winRAR
Lvl 16
for rar files, use winrar, 7zip, or IZARC.
Lvl 11
Thanks for the tech help...had the same question
Lvl 21
Total video converter.