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biker chicka

Starter: xzwq Posted: 15 years ago Views: 1.7K
Lvl 8
hmm decent biker type girl on cam.

hmm hope this works.
Lvl 10
We don't want to download pics, unless the videos is among them, so host those online (Photobucket is your friend!!!)
Lvl 14
The clip is alright, I didn't mind watching it. The part that made me laugh was the compressed file is 16MB and uncompressed it comes out to 283MB. That's crazy and I like it.
Lvl 8
1. your not d.l pics
2. its recorded using webcam video capture. for some reason it captures it kinda like a D-SL would capture in raw format. large files.. I can't get it to not do that for some reason if you select a different output it will have an error and you will not be able to play the video.'
3. I've only been able to get the vids to play on media player clasic.. sux.
Lvl 8
if anyone wants to help me figure out how to turn those vids into smaller files i have about 30 gigs uncompressed vids.. I'd like to share them then delete them off my harddrive
Lvl 30
Ty for the share.