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Amber Michaels

Starter: aFTeRLiFe Posted: 21 years ago Views: 2.0K
Lvl 12
Lvl 20
umm... what is the point with this thread?
Lvl 12
think hes trying to upload pics
Lvl 20
he aint doing well... hehe
Lvl 12
Won't work. Try to attach but just sits there all day.
Lvl 20
hehe okay...
Lvl 12
Think there to big.
Lvl 20
great, give us a site we need to pay for....
But she looks nice though
Lvl 12
Lvl 12
Want some more. Theres lot of sets guess ill just post acouple from different sets. /shurg thats if you guys want more. Tryed to put the site link/videos but apperantly didn't work.
Lvl 20
i can live without more....
Lvl 12
Lvl 20
but..... post them. i think someone out there would be happy to see them