Wrecked Cars Ferrari
Lvl 9
ViperBorg 18 years ago
"At this moment, Bob reconsidered skipping that brake job."
Lvl 15
vampfiend687 19 years ago
"At this moment, Mr. Smith realized it was a bad idea to teach his son to drive on a racetrack before on the street."
Lvl 3
jayfromdetroit 19 years ago
how do you say "Holy SHIT!!!" in Italian?
Lvl 11
_._ 19 years ago
Technically, it's not wrecked.....yet.
Lvl 21
groezel 20 years ago

that's no way to treat a ferrari!!
Lvl 12
vpr906 20 years ago
oo wow bet this didnt end good
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Published 20 years ago
Uploaded by big_johnson
Dimensions 700 525
Category Wrecked Cars - Ferrari
Views 1439
Comments 6