Wrecked Cars Ferrari
Lvl 6
battman 18 years ago
From the Factory all pre production cars get crushed aeven the ones that aren't crash tested to stop non production parts getting out. Sad but true! Some of the cars are as built on the production line and are never even driven, but get built to train the workers how to put them together. Then Nuked - Boo Hoo
Lvl 10
fuckgirl 18 years ago
don't waste them, give them to me i'll fix it
Lvl 32
Memphis. 19 years ago
geezus RIP ferraris
Lvl 15
vampfiend687 19 years ago
they solved the problem with holiday parking
Lvl 11
OKSpy 19 years ago
they look like crash test cars. theyll get recycled, salvaged and 90 percent of that is probably on ebay
Lvl 14
PeePooBum 20 years ago
at least save the rims...
Lvl 21
groezel 20 years ago
this is the parking lot for female ferraridrivers?

Lvl 22
budokan 20 years ago
it has to be the omre expensivep ile of junk ever

that and the hubble
Lvl 11
tommobot 20 years ago
id guess that there crash test cars, as they've got crash test dummy like stickers all over the cars
Lvl 12
tiboska 20 years ago
nooooo Ferrariiiiii
Lvl 12
eCh0 21 years ago
I would guess that you could build a Farrari from those parts!!!
Lvl 12
ixxtor 21 years ago
Why they are doing this?! Those some kind of race cars that are being tested, wracked and then destroyed?

I would adopt one oh those!
Lvl 12
Carlos_Ali 21 years ago
Now you see what hapens if u let women drive
Lvl 12
MAD 21 years ago
Have mercy
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Published 21 years ago
Uploaded by yxan
Dimensions 550 333
Category Wrecked Cars - Ferrari
Views 5255
Comments 14