Renault 11
Lvl 9
DonkeyShot 16 years ago
Lvl 9
GhengisKahn 18 years ago
^yeah small indeed, but i'm not complaining...
and indeed her performance is not too bad for being an '85 car and also the fuel economy is great: less than 5l on 100km!
Lvl 17
Psyche 18 years ago
nice car, decent performances, great fuel economy, but a bit cramped
Lvl 9
GhengisKahn 18 years ago
mine might be the oldest, but its payed!
and it still runs great!
Lvl 21
groezel 18 years ago
but on that parkin' lot: your car is the oldest!
Lvl 21
groezel 18 years ago
i had once an R9, the four door version of this one. mine was an '86 with the double headlights...
then i didn't see a car commin' at me in the mist and it didn't have no front no more...
but they are certainly not bad cars! cheap is the best way to describe 'em...
Lvl 9
GhengisKahn 18 years ago
actually is '85. had a little accident and the new "nose" was an '88...
it's mine what do you think? i love it, but about taste you can't argue!
Lvl 21
groezel 18 years ago
seems to be a pretty "recent" one, '87 or so?
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Published 18 years ago
Uploaded by GhengisKahn
Dimensions 640 480
Category Renault - 11
Views 666
Comments 8