Pontiac Firebird
Lvl 10
SpeeDeaThrash 19 years ago
I noticed it being a TransAm in the Firebird section!!? The flames don't ruin it if you consider unique paint sets stock cars apart. Mine is a subtle black trim and spoiler to offset the normal monochromatic white
If the art is painted well, then it's good in my book
I see alot of stock trucks, etc in flame paint and they have nothing beyond the 'show' factor. The affect falls flat with no get up n go
Lvl 8
cobrabullets 19 years ago
the tires are bad ass ----its the flames that ruin it----all this is -is a 305 trans am with a firehawk spoiler,some torke thrust rims,ram air & some flames------------otherwise awsome try.-----------nice car. if you you tore the motor you schould let me know.
Lvl 18
Mr.Poop 20 years ago
tires are too big
Lvl 12
BIGBOOMER 20 years ago
That is a nice flame job.
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Published 21 years ago
Uploaded by Hemi
Dimensions 575 431
Category Pontiac - Firebird
Views 724
Comments 4