Motorcycles Kawasaki
Lvl 9
TWISTED326 17 years ago
I just uploaded the photo of my own ZX-14 (usa version of zz1400). This bike is hella-hot, but I like mine better.
Lvl 8
ZX600_Fighter 17 years ago
B E A utiful but the busa is still the sexiest bike ever
Lvl 2
kaboom133 17 years ago
I was watching one of these at the track the other day, nothing could touch it. He was even launching slow, keeping the front down and all. They'd have him bay a long way till the 1/8 mile, then he'd jump on it and blow em away.
Lvl 28
FATHERTIME 19 years ago
bad ass..
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Published 19 years ago
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Dimensions 380 228
Category Motorcycles - Kawasaki
Views 1086
Comments 4