Hudson Terraplane
Lvl 13
Land00man 3 years ago
Looks like a truck fit for Captian America
unclesomething, [Deleted], chuckup, greenmanone find this awesome.
Lvl 42
chuckup 3 years ago
The Hudson Terraplane (and later "Big Boy" ) and Studebaker Coupe Express were probably the classiest production pickup trucks ever made. I've only seen one Hudson but no Speed Expresses this side of the "pond" in 60 years of car shows
airrazor, unclesomething, greenmanone find this awesome.
Lvl 19
F1098 3 years ago
Another one that i've never heard of !
airrazor, chuckup find this awesome.
Lvl 54
Snozz_69 3 years ago
1937 Hudson Terraplane Pickup
airrazor, chuckup, F1098, greenmanone and 1 other(s) find this awesome.
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Published 3 years ago
Uploaded by airrazor
Dimensions 900 404
Category Hudson - Terraplane
Views 787
Comments 4