Honda Civic
Lvl 11
Boost_Addict 20 years ago
I can't stand looking at cars like this. The positives on this one....its turbocharged, its RHD and a cow print hood. MOO

Negatives, the snow plow on the front, its an old ass box hatch, its just fuckin ugly.
Lvl 19
Hemi 21 years ago

To excessively modify and augment the physical appearance of sub compact economy vehicles in an attempt to make it them fast. Examples include unsightly body kits, oversised mufflers, (which are actually detremental to performance) neon lighting, thousands of decals, and of course, twenty inch rims which are far too heavy for these vehicles to handle.

Jimmy G thought he was "dopey-fresh" in his riced out Honda. That was, until my Bronco used it as a ramp.

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Published 21 years ago
Uploaded by sexghost
Dimensions 390 256
Category Honda - Civic
Views 1067
Comments 2