Honda Civic
Lvl 9
jd1215 18 years ago
Awwe poor ricemobile
Lvl 9
jruk 18 years ago
The Civic hasn't done bad when you consider it's got several ton of agricultural vehicle on its roof!
Lvl 16
Big_ 18 years ago
Well, he probably found a magic lamp and told the genie he wanted a hummer while driving.
Lvl 20
nemisis02 18 years ago
perfect ending for the civic
Lvl 32
Memphis. 18 years ago
great pic
Lvl 9
GhengisKahn 18 years ago
hummer 1
civic 0

now that's something you hope to see not every day...
Lvl 21
groezel 18 years ago
o my f***ing god!
that must have been scary!

...but on the other hand: funny as hell!!!!
Lvl 27
Screwtape 18 years ago
damm road hogs
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Published 18 years ago
Uploaded by xXmaggotXx
Dimensions 482 336
Category Honda - Civic
Views 1578
Comments 8