Dodge Charger
Lvl 54
Snozz_69 17 years ago
I like this picture...
Lvl 6
kissmymemo 17 years ago
I would love to drive around Europe. Especially the Dolemites and Wales...really everyplace. The cops will pretty much leave you alone if you are less than 10mph over the limit. Out in the country is best. Slow cruising, mostly due to bumps. But good scenery. The country is getting more populated all the time though. I really liked it when it was more empty.
Lvl 8
Mardeba 17 years ago
I can imagine it's beautiful there, really wonderful pic. Here in europe is it also beautiful with ni[blacklisted]ads in Germany, Wales , Scotland and Italy but i think overthere you have a lot more of space. Drive from state to state. Easy cruisin, sometimes fullpower....

Does the cops check the speedlimit much overthere ?
Lvl 6
kissmymemo 17 years ago
Hi Mardeba. This is the midwest. No matter where you go in the U.S. hit the two lanes and backroads as much as you can and take your time. It is my favorite way to roadtrip!
Lvl 8
Mardeba 17 years ago
wanna drive there sometimes. Real Amercian pic this.
Lvl 6
kissmymemo 17 years ago
Thanks Fathertime! Actually this is just down the road from the purple barn in the other pic. My uncle was driving one night about a year after this pic was taken. He stomped the gas about a half car length before this and ripped the oil pan off the car. We had been drinking and smokin' some. Shut it down before any damage, and walked to a house to call for a ride. Good times... Oh yeah it gets around 7 mpg
Lvl 28
FATHERTIME 17 years ago
cool looking pic.. great car...
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Published 17 years ago
Uploaded by kissmymemo
Dimensions 749 521
Category Dodge - Charger
Views 578
Comments 7