Dodge Challenger
Lvl 21
groezel 17 years ago
yeah, i know all about it, but a car is still meant for use and you can't always fix things like that...
but then again, who thought these would become such great collectors
Lvl 6
kissmymemo 17 years ago
I drank to much. Actually a family member backed into the passenger front fender. I had sex with a hot chick on the hood and it was dented up from that. I was using it as a daily driver and it needed something constantly. I just got sick of it.
Lvl 21
groezel 17 years ago
how do you come to it to sell such a car?!?
it drank too much?
Lvl 6
kissmymemo 17 years ago
My foot is tired. Please take over...
Lvl 28
FATHERTIME 17 years ago
well if your foot gets tired, let me know... i'll be more than glad to help out...
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Published 17 years ago
Uploaded by kissmymemo
Dimensions 774 446
Category Dodge - Challenger
Views 335
Comments 5