Austin A35
Lvl 21
groezel 18 years ago
but these cars are oh so tiny!
no probs findin' a parkin' spot though!
Lvl 10
6x6driver 18 years ago
I was doing two years National Service in the RAF in 1954 . A fellow airman and I were both posted to Feltwell in Norfolk after completing our radio course at Yatesbury in Wiltshire . I accompanied him in his then brand new A30 . It was a great little car . Shortly afterwards i acquired its forerunner , a 1933 Austin Seven also agreat little car in its time .
Lvl 9
Neckbreaker 18 years ago
nice condition colour and chrome
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Published 18 years ago
Uploaded by klasinge
Dimensions 450 337
Category Austin - A35
Views 501
Comments 3