Lvl 5
aubareader 11 years ago
Ok, so i haven't rated her yet but she's a lot better than the fake-boob blondes that seem to get the high ratings. She's a right-sized/real-sized woman with a pleasant next-door girl kind of look and she's not being shy about her state of undress. To me that makes her at least a 7.

The reality is that each of us has different tastes. I prefer A or B cups, you might prefer DDs. I like them looking like the girl next door, you might like the pro-model. I like shorter girls (and short east-Asian girls), you might like them tall and lanky. I want ones with proper weight for height, you might like them skinny. The point is that when someone rates a picture different than you would then fine, you rate it the way you would and the rest of us will rate it the way we would. Some girls who seem to get 8s and 9s are, to me, 2s, and I rate them accordingly. Without a face that shows a smile they can't get better than 4 in my book.
Lvl 47
expat2011 11 years ago
Ok, so I'm cool about "if you can't say something good" and all, but seriously, two people rated this girl "9" and two more gave her 8's. (as of now). Even assuming that one of those dudes was her boyfriend, what were the others rating "9"? It sure isn't the photography or the model.

I'm not saying she's a "1" or "2" but jeez, let's try a little harder to be honest with the ratings.
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Published 11 years ago
Uploaded by taff67
Dimensions 500 718
Category Topless babes
Views 991
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