[Deleted] 10 years ago
sexy as fuck, lets party
Lvl 112
doolittle 11 years ago
i don't know about cameras but i know she has a fabulous body
Lvl 15
nightcrawler1969 12 years ago
Straight to Favs!!!!
Lvl 28
Markarian 12 years ago
so hot show us more
Lvl 15
scramasax 12 years ago
A classic case of how distorted a picture can look when using a short focal length lens,
such as a cellphone camera...Near items look huge and distant items miniscule.
I'm sure this girls bottom is no where as large as this..
Of course it may be that she just has a very large arse!
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Published 12 years ago
Uploaded by thatguyl6
Dimensions 767 1023
Category Tight Asses
Views 2127
Comments 5