Lvl 24
JayB 2 weeks ago
would love to fuck her raw and dirty
beauty77 finds this awesome.
Lvl 15
beauty77 2 weeks ago
Exactly, she just has that look that every man knows instinctively right away that that's what she probably likes a lot and craves...she looks so high maintenance and snotty and snobbish which naturally makes us men wanna dick her down even deeper and harder to get her to be more humble and beg for our dick and our love...then laugh after we break up with her and watch her date moron after beta soyboy sissyboy after idiot, probably marry an old nasty rich dude, all the while she'll still call the one dude from her past all the time to come over and get dicked down good and hard by him all the time, all behind her husband's back. They are pure evil, so why should we not sleep with them? Life is too short anyway, and tomorrow is never guaranteed for any of us at all. Any of us could get murdered or have a terrible car accident or stroke or heart attack tomorrow, so if today could be the last day we have, why not fuck more? Be happy....
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Published 2 weeks ago
Uploaded by munterboi
Dimensions 1080 1253
Category Selfshots
Views 154
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