[Deleted] 12 years ago
Originally posted by dippydip

completely true. My version may not match others, and that's okay. I have my opinion and others have theirs.

However, as I said before, this is a website where we rate individuals based on our views of attractiveness. It's ironic to then say not to judge it :P

I'm not judging their happiness, their worth, or anything like it. I'm merely judging what I feel is attractive. It's not meant as an insult. Nor, in most real-world circumstances,do people do it as openly as here.

I stand corrected, I have had a very gut wrenching couple of days and I am sorry for taking it out on you, sorry.

all my luv and kisses.. Lia
Lvl 13
loveyoungmoms 12 years ago
i think she is hot and probably better in bed than most slimmer conceded type. a 10
joebillybob finds this awesome.
Lvl 8
dippydip 12 years ago
completely true. My version may not match others, and that's okay. I have my opinion and others have theirs.

However, as I said before, this is a website where we rate individuals based on our views of attractiveness. It's ironic to then say not to judge it :P

I'm not judging their happiness, their worth, or anything like it. I'm merely judging what I feel is attractive. It's not meant as an insult. Nor, in most real-world circumstances,do people do it as openly as here.
[Deleted] 12 years ago
Happy and Perfect are a matter of perspective, your version may not match theirs nor theirs to yours. And none of us are perfect so dont judge others because others are judging you right now.
Lvl 8
dippydip 12 years ago
not cutting anyone down.

Do I think she's beautiful because she's big? No.

Do I think she'd probably be very attractive if she lost a few pounds (between 20 and 50, hard to tell from the pic) yes I do.

Just because I don't find someone attractive for being overweight doesn't mean they're a bad person, or they have nothing to offer. Put some effort into it, focus, get excited about living a healthy life, yeah we'd all be better off if we did that.

Don't take it so personally. This is a website where we rate pictures of women for attractiveness. I don't feel she's attractive in this picture. That's my opinion, and how I rate. She's overweight, medically speaking. That's not just my opinion.
[Deleted] 12 years ago
Originally posted by dippydip

big isn't beautiful. Lose about 50 pounds and then she'd be pretty.

Some people think that they have all of the answers, and they cant find thier own ass with both hands standing in front of a mirror. Get a life if all you can do is to cut people down.

luv always... Lia

Lvl 8
dippydip 12 years ago
big isn't beautiful. Lose about 50 pounds and then she'd be pretty.
Lvl 15
lebobz 12 years ago
just beautiful 10/10
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Published 12 years ago
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